WHO...Cascade Middle School working towards a solution

STARS (students Tackling Authentic and Real Science) is an after school program at Cascade Middle School in White Center Seattle. Cascade Middle School is a next door neighbor to Lakewood park. The families of the girls involved in this project have seen the effects of pollution on the park. Some of their parents grew up swimming and fishing in the lake; now, they wouldn't dare let their children touch the water. As a group of 15-20 diverse middle school girls, we decided to take a stand on the pollution in Hicklin Lake.

Flow chart of our ideas and actions:

We have started preliminary plans on the four main signs and concepts that we would like to develop through the guided walk of Hicklin Lake. We envision each sign targeting a different audience in order to reach as much of the White Center population as possible. The image below provides an example of the brainstorming process we underwent for the sign which we would like to speak to animal lovers that frequent the park. 

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