Wednesday, February 26, 2014

HICKLIN LAKE, Located in Lakewood Park in Urban White center Near Seattle Washington...

...has the potential to be an aesthetically beautiful, community binding recreational area.

HOWEVER, Hicklin Lake is currently unable to fill these roles...

...urbanization, pollution, algal growth, toxicity and community apathy have taken over instead.

TAKING a stand on this issue could return Hicklin Lake it's health and White Center it's community pride and unification.

TAKING a stand on this issue could provide the world with a valuable model by which to base thousands of other freshwater restoration projects on.

TAKING a stand on this issue could be your way of taking one step towards working to improve planet Earth's severely compromised freshwater systems.

Keep reading for an explanation of

WHEN...pollution in Hicklin Lake began to be problematic
HOW...nutrient pollution and cyanobacteria growth have created an unhealthy environment already taking a stand on the health of Hicklin Lake
WHERE...freshwater pollution exists around the world...

Information that will give you the power to take a stand yourself!!!

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